Before or after starting a business , you need preliminary information in a new market that we will enter. For this, ussially , the information you get online from search engines is not enough. Countries’ own internal balances and working styles may be different. In this case, you need reliable consultants who know the country in which we will work within its own cultural values. Listening to thesuggestions of these consultants and contacting their contacts acts as a preliminary safety valve forus not to make a wrong move.
- Luviland Limited provide information, advice and guidance for UK and European businesses on how to cooperate with other countries esipacally in Turkey, Africa, the Middle East and Turkish Republics Counties and build sustainable networks between the Luviland Limited customers and Luviland Limited global network.
- Luviland Limited oparate the projects with handling inquiries from the customers and establish contact to the Luviland Network.
Some customized topics;
- Luviland Limited Provide individual advice and guidance to the customer for Investing in Turkey &UK.The British capital and investors in Turkey infrastructure and energy and tourism and food sectors are prefering . Moreover, hasing possibility of enter of the Caucasus and Central Asian Republics and Russia markets over Turkey , is an important factor of Turkey’s preference by British investors. Important firms investing in Turkey include Vodafone, HSBC, Tesco (withdrew from the market), and Marks & Spencer.
- Luviland Limited offer you suitable medical tourism partner in Turkey. One of the top popular countries for medical tourism today is Turkey.Some of the reasons behind Turkey’s popularity are the following:
The country has an affordable healthcare system
It has the highest number of US-accredited hospitals
Most doctors, having trained in Europe and America, choose to practice and take up their residency in Turkey.
Turkey is the central hub for the East and the West
Surgeries are cheaper in Turkey
Well-rounded when it comes to treatment offerings
Quality hospitals and surgeons/ Quick response.
Do not be late to utilise know-how and regional expertise of the Luviland Limited for private sector